
Scholarship application information is detailed near the bottom of this page.


The Jane Lyons Memorial Scholarship for young women was established at the Rockford Park District Foundation to assist girls who are pursuing an undergraduate degree and who have demonstrated that they enjoy playing golf. This scholarship is made possible by the generosity of Jane Lyons, a longtime Rockford resident who loved the game of golf and was an avid supporter of girl’s golf programs.

The recipient does not have to participate on a college golf team to be eligible for this scholarship. One $2,500 scholarship will be provided annually and is renewable for up to an additional three years for a cumulative total of $10,000.

About Jane Lyons


Jane Lyons was more than a golf enthusiast, although golf played an integral role in her life, and kept her young. Jane played in the Women's City Golf Championship for more than 60 years. She also played in the first Girls Junior Classic, winning the C Flight in 1941. The Women's City and Girls Junior were the only sporting competitions open to women at that time.

Jane had fond memories of participating in golf championships, and said, "The thing I liked about it is you met people from different courses and different clubs. You met people from all over town, and they were all good sports."

Jane graduated from West High School in 1945, earned a B.A. from the University of Arizona, and received her M.A.T. degree from Rockford College. She was dedicated to serving children throughout her career, and committed to women participating in athletics. She was president of the Women's Athletic Association at the University of Arizona, and received the Outstanding Senior Woman Award.

This scholarship is Jane's gift to young women who enjoy the game of golf as much as she did!

Helen Spencer Junior Girls Scholarship Award

The Rockford Park District Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of the Helen Spencer Junior Girls Award to assist girls who are pursuing an undergraduate degree and who have demonstrated that they enjoy playing golf. This scholarship is made possible by the generosity of the Illinois Women’s Golf Association and Helen Spencer, a former member of the Oregon Country Club.  She loved the game of golf and was an avid supporter of girl’s golf programs. Criteria for the award includes Character, Leadership and Sportsmanship

The recipient does not have to participate on a college golf team to be eligible for this scholarship. One $2,500 scholarship will be provided annually. The scholarship will be distributed to the award winner’s college or university to assist with educational expenses.

About Helen Spencer

The Illinois Women’s Golf Association established the Helen Spencer Junior Girls Award in 2019 to annually honor an outstanding young woman who is pursuing an undergraduate degree with a financial contribution to her education. The IWGA transferred the scholarship to the Rockford Park District Foundation in 2024.

A real-life “Rosie the Riveter,” Helen worked at Caterpillar Tractor in Peoria during World War II, and later worked for nine years at Family Circle Magazine. For over 35 years, Helen worked as a bookkeeper for Sinnissippi Farms until her retirement in 2001.

Helen worked hard in many different endeavors, yet still found time to participate and compete in sports.   Helen was an avid golfer and member of the Oregon Country Club, taking up golf in her 30’s. She played in the IWGA State Amateur and Senior State Amateur Championships from 1958 to 1994!

Helen Spencer’s love of competition and the camaraderie of the sport of golf led her to establish the IWGA Helen Spencer Junior Girls Award in 2019. The first scholarship was awarded in the Spring of 2020.

HOw to Apply

Applicant Eligibility

  • Female students who enjoy playing the game of golf

  • Resident of Winnebago/Boone County or a participant in a Rockford Park District golf program

  • Enrolled or plan to enroll in a full-time 2- or 4-year degree program

Application Requirements

1. Provide a letter that includes the following:

  • Name, address, e-mail, and phone number

  • Cumulative GPA, class rank (if available), and achievements – high school and college

  • Detailed description of your involvement in golf in your community, and what role golf has played in your life

  • Description of your involvement in extracurricular activities during high school and college – include any leadership roles in which you served

  • Description of community involvement during high school and college – include any leadership roles in which you served

2. Provide a minimum of two letters of recommendation — one from a principal, teacher, or coach.

Recipients are expected to remain a student in good standing in their enrolled college and participate in an annual interview to determine renewal. The scholarship will be directed to the award winner’s college to assist with educational expenses.

Send completed application letter with letters of recommendation to:

Rockford Park District Foundation
Jane Lyons Memorial Scholarship
401 S. Main St.
Rockford, IL 61101


Questions may be directed to Jennifer Bowman at 815-987-1630, or the above e-mail address.


All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee, and all applicants will be notified of their status.