About Our Foundation
Making memories count! For more than 40 years the Rockford Park District Foundation has helped fundraise for people, projects, and places.
In order to secure philanthropic support to the Rockford Park District, the Foundation was founded in 1979 and at that time primarily worked to acquire needed land via donations or to sell donated land that was not needed for park space. Over the years, the Foundation’s focus changed to fit the needs of a rapidly growing Rockford Park District. The Foundation receives monetary, land, and various donations on behalf of the Park District, and administers the donations to ensure the donor’s intent is fulfilled. To date, more than $50 million dollars has been raised thanks to the generosity of friends and donors of the Rockford Park District Foundation.
Donations received over the years have enabled the Foundation to achieve its mission of assisting the Rockford Park District in its pursuit of a quality park and recreation system in order to help people in our community enjoy life.
Park Champions